Educational Material
Holocaust and Antisemitism Foundation, Aotearoa New Zealand’s work is used by tertiary educators in NZ and has been sought out and used by educators in USA and Europe.
Our exhibitions have been staged in over two dozen venues from Invercargill to Whangarei, including schools, galleries, universities, and museums that ran outreach programmes to schools. In addition we speak to schools and community groups on the Holocaust upon invitation.
We provide a number of educational resources for use in school curricula in addition to the three minute survivor stories featured in our exhibitions and online.
Below are mini units prepared according to the requirements of the New Zealand Education Curriculum for secondary schools. Each is based on a three minute Shadows of Shoah survivor story. Click on the image to view and download the resource.
Resources courtesy of Stephen Beguely, BA, BTh(Hons), DipTchg, former Head of Social Sciences.
Additional Resources
Our Teacher's Guide is based on seven of our stories and features:
A Holocaust Narrative - a brief overview of the Holocaust incorporating seven Shadows of Shoah stories
Further Background Notes
Themes/Questions to Explore
Transcripts of seven Shadows of Shoah stories
NZ Curriculum
Links to Further Information
Our Teacher's Guide can be viewed here.
Transcripts can be downloaded here.
In addition we make available copies of the book "The Holocaust - The Nazi Genocide Against The Jewish People" in association with exhibition stagings. The book was produced by NSW Board of Jewish Deputies. It is 64 pages and provides an excellent summary of the subject.
The original exhibition was staged at Waikato Museum. The museum produced a supplementary educational resource for schools. It included "Suggested Pre Visit Focus Activities" and "Post Visit Reflection Activities". It can be viewed here.
Lakes District Museum (Arrowtown) produced an excellent educational resource for schools. It can be viewed here.
Educator Stephen Beguely produced another excellent resource based on the story Holocaust survivor Benjamin Steiner. His "mini unit" can be viewed here.
The translation of Shadows of Shoah stories into multiple languages has begun. Sign up below to be advised as the new websites are released.