Benjamin Steiner
Born 14 May 1935, Budapest, Hungary
I was nearly nine years old when I arrived at Auschwitz.
I was put in barracks with other children.
We had been selected for medical experimentation.
They measured our faces, our bones.
They took blood from us and gave us pills.
There were dwarves too. Some had a leg or arm amputated.
It was a disgusting mess.
To this day I have scars all over my torso.
I still suffer the effects of radio cobalt experiments.
We were like caged animals with no hope, no spirit.
We would be transported to the laboratory in a white ambulance.
On one occasion I moved too slowly when a German officer came to collect me.
I was dazed because of the operations and medication.
The officer began to beat me.
Ruth Steiner was one of the Jewish prisoners who cared for us. She was very kind.
As the officer began to hit me she held his arm.
"He's not well", she said.
The German took out his revolver and shot Mrs Steiner dead.
I thought that I would be killed too.
Mrs Steiner paid for her kindness with her life.
Years later I changed my name to Steiner.
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